Meat: celery juice heals
Bone: author of book claims to hear voice of TMH who tells him healing knowledge, unsure about this but there's a SoundCloud page full of this information for almost every illness I can think of called "medical medium"
Testimony: living proof that celery juice heals. I was diagnosed with autoimmune illness age 19, eczema since infancy (I know a lot of moms whose babies have this and I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy) . Someone shared this info and books and after I did it ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH has been healing me since February 2019. I was too weak to pray until this healing. I also had to change my diet as I learned which foods trigger my flare ups. The lady who told me about it healed from ALS and scoliosis by this info also so I know it works for variety of illnesses.
Thank you so much. I have a lot of pain in my colon still. Would it work for that also?