1. A divinely given dream would always be speaking deep down the soul.
2. A dream gives you direction.
3. A dream inspires the feeling of destiny in our life.
4. A dream is a divine picture planted into your spirit. Inside you, you are visualizing something.
5. A dreamer is like a seed and has the potential to become a tree or a forest.
6. A dreamer must learn to be faithful in spite of how others react.
7. A goal is a dream with deadline.
8. A good dreamer must be generous and must be a giver.
9. A man is not better than his dreams.
10. A man that desires an uncommon success must have an uncommon dream.
11. A person without a dream has no reason to live.
12. All dreams have to pass through a process of testing.
13. All important men and women are dreamers.
14. Any sin in your life will assassinate your dream.
15. Anything God uses attracts success.
16. Anytime you steal, you delay the arrival of your dream.
17. Be discipline in all things in order to fulfill your dream.
18. Be sober, be vigilant because the devil will not sit back and watch your dream materialize.
19. Be willing to modify your dream when it becomes necessary.
20. Bitterness and resentment will choke the life out of your dream.
21. Discouragement and disappointment are dream robbers.
22. Do not let anything or anyone to pull you out of your dream.
23. Do not let anything or anyone to push you into a dream that is not your dream.
24. Don’t allow negative people to talk you out of your dream.
25. Dream can be silenced, killed or stolen.
26. Dream is a picture of your future planted in your spirit by the Lord.
27. Dream is a supernatural picture of who you should be or what you should do.
28. Dreamer must stay connected to God.
29. Dreamers are never popular with their family or friends because of jealousy.
30. Dreamers are windows of the soul
31. Dreamers of dream are not generally accepted in the first instance.
32. Dreams are useless if you only dream and take no action.
33. Dreams can help us; 1) see the invisible, 2) believe the incredible, and 3) achieve the impossible.
34. Dreams take time to come to pass – Joseph waited for 13years before he became prime minister
in Egypt, David waited for 15years before he became a King in Israel.
35. Dreams without divine purpose are meaningless.
36. Every divinely given dream will come to pass if the dreamer is willing to pay the price.
37. Every dream shall be tested before they come to pass.
38. For success, there must be a connection between your dream and your divine purpose.
39. God want us to dream big and become dream releasers
40. Honesty will accelerate the fulfillment of your dream.
41. If God is your partner then make your plan big.
42. If you are in love with your dream, hate sin with perfect hatred.
43. If you cannot die for your dream, then you have no dream.
44. If you cannot overcome your flesh, then you cannot fulfill your dream.
45. If you do not deal with your weakness, the weakness will puncture your dream.
46. If you have not yet written down your dream, it is likely you have not started pursuing it.
47. If you never had a dream you cannot get a dream to happen.
48. If you stop telling God about your dreams, then you are ready to give it up.
49. If you want your dream to come through, do not over sleep.
50. If you want your dream to come to pass, do not share them prematurely.
51. If your dream dies easily, it was probably not a dream but an idea.
52. In every human being, there lies a divinely planted dream that is part of God’s plan.
53. It is impossible to dream about blessing without obedience.
54. It is impossible to lose your dream without consequences.
55. Keep your dreams alive by feeding and watering them.
56. Lack of godly sorrow for sin is death sentence for dream.
57. Many dreams are abandoned because the dreamer gives up easily.
58. Many dreams are aborted because the dreamer lacks capacity for delivery.
59. Many dreams suffer miscarriage, because the owner is careless.
60. Men will follow any man with a dream.
61. Necessity is the mother of invention and dream is the father of invention.
62. Never give up on your dream no matter the obstacle.
63. No dream can stand in isolation.
64. Patience is a virtue that all dreamers must cultivate.
65. People may not always like your dream, so expect opposition and obstacles
66. Prayer is the force that clears the way for your dream.
67. Prayer is the lubricating oil in the wheel of dream achievement.
68. Running after dream without God is a useless exercise.
69. The bigger the dream the longer it takes to give birth to.
70. The comfort zone is the enemy of divine dream.
71. The day you stop dreaming, you start dying. Dream to remain alive.
72. The devil is an expert at killing of dream.
73. The enemy can convert a dream to nightmare.
74. The richest land on earth is cemetery, because it has the bones of many unfulfilled dreamers.
75. The successful person associate with those who support his dreams.
76. The world would create a path to the gate of a man with a dream.
77. There are four stages of divinely given dream: A) The conception stage. B) The action stage. C)
The conflict or struggle stage. D) The reaching the goal stage.
78. Those who speak God’s word to their dreams achieve it quicker.
79. To fulfill your dream you must listen to God counsel.
80. To fulfill your dream, you must balance creativity with character.
81. To fulfill your dream, you must destroy destructive habits.
82. To fulfill your dream, you must divinely and constructively dissatisfy with your present level.
83. To fulfill your dream, you need to depart from the school of foolish curiosity.
84. To fulfill your dreams, don’t allow destructive criticism to kill your motivation.
85. To fulfill your dreams, don’t share your dream with those who have no dream, they will kill it.
86. To fulfill your dreams, you must disconnect the memory of the past failure.
87. To fulfill your dreams, you must stop advertising your mistakes.
88. Uncommon dreams will create uncommon enemies.
89. Understand that your mind is an incubator; therefore keep your thoughts clean.
90. We grow by dreams.
91. When dream is from God, it will come to pass as long as you remain faithful.
92. When God makes you, nobody can unmake you.
93. Where there is no vision or dream people perish.
94. You are never too old to dream, consider Caleb and Moses.
95. You are never too young to dream.
96. You cannot become what you do not believe.
97. You have to patiently acquire all the knowledge to make your dream possible.
98. You must concentrate on your dream – be focus.
99. You must desire your dream, because it is what you desire that you pursue
100. You must have faith to make your dream a reality.
101. You must learn to deal with opposition when pursuing your dream.
102. You must learn to deal with the three Fs in the journey toward your dream;
1) Fear 2) Frustration 3) Failure.
103. You must overcome temptations in order to fulfill your dreams.
104. You must protect and nurture your dream.
105. You must respect your dream because it is what you respect that you attract.
106. You must sit down and count the cost of your dream manifestation.
107. You must take all available action to wage war against foundational dreams killers.
108. You must visualize your dream, because it is what you visualize that you manifest.
109. You must wage war and fight for your dream.
110. You need helpers of destiny to fulfill your dream.
111. Your character can be an asset or deficit to your dream.
112. Your dream gives hope for the future and power for the present.
113. Your dream helps you to prioritize your life.
114. Your dream increases your potentials.
115. Your dream is a compass telling you where to go.
116. Your dream is a condition of achievement that is yet to take place.
117. Your dream is a vehicle that carries your success.
118. Your dream must have a plan and strategy for it to come to pass.
119. Your dream predicts your future.
120. Your dream will add value to your work.
It is a series of thoughts, images and pictures that occur during
sleep. Dreams are spiritual monitors telling you what is going on in
the spirit world. They are dark sayings and parables that are
transmitted during sleep. They are vehicles of communication of
information during sleep. They are images that occur in definite
sequence in your sleep. They are messages from your spiritual life
and your inner being. They represent viewing of images on the
screen within your mind.
Note carefully the following important statements:
- Every dream has at least one message to convey to the dreamer.
- We have no power to control the contact of our dream.
- Every dream has a meaning, even if it appeared as a disorganized
- Dreams are reliable messages.
- Dreams reveal the condition of the heart as well as the voice of
God within your heart. Since most people live a noisy life, the
only time God speaks to them is when they are asleep.
- The Bible contains symbols for dream interpretation.
- Looking at dreams scientifically will not yield any result because
you cannot scientifically explain what is going on.
- The moment you are born, you begin to dream. So, babies do
dream, and children too, do dream. Sometimes, you find them
screaming from their sleep. And this is part of the reason you
need to be careful what toys you buy for them, because for most of them, those toys become living things in their dreams and may
become their spiritual friends.
- When the Holy Spirit interprets your dreams, it can be used as a
map for your journey through life.
- An un-interpreted dream is like an unread letter.
When you begin to read your Bible carefully, you will find that
there are over 50 references to dreams therein. Joseph the son of
Jacob dreamt. Joseph, the father of Jesus dreamt. Solomon got his
wisdom from a dream. Pharaoh dreamt. Daniel dreamt.
Nebuchadnezzar dreamt. Daniel 1: 17 says, "As for these four
children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and
wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams."
Dreams can sometimes be a variation of prophecies and God
uses them to communicate with us. By the time you gather together
all the dreams and visions in the Bible and all the things that follow
them, one third of the Bible is already written.
They are:
- From God. - From satan. - From man.
All the three sources need interpretations.
One good way you can know what is going on in your life is
through your dreams. Your dream represents your spiritual monitor.
It tells you what is going on in your life. It is therefore a tragedy
when somebody says that he or she does not dream. Such a person
actually does, but the problem is that he or she fails to remember.
His or her ability to recall has been removed by the enemy. Job 33:
14 says, "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it
not." God is talking to people but many of them do not understand.
Verses 15-16 say. "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep
sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed. Then he
opened the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction." All these
happen in the dream. Why? The reasons are clearly indicated in
verses 17-18: "That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and
hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his
life from perishing by the sword." So, your dream life is your spiritual
If we could interpret a little bit of what God shows us in our
dreams, we would be able to prevent many bad things that befall us
from happening. Surely it is not everything that God shows, but He
shows enough to save us from all kinds of dangers and troubles.
The Bible says that the secret things belong unto the Lord our God,
and those things, which are shown are shown unto our children, and
us that we may obey God and prosper (Deuteronomy 29: 29).
Numbers 12: 6 says, "And he said, Hear now my words: If there be
a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in
a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream." This means that the
Lord God of hosts can speak to you in a dream. Genesis 40:8
says, "And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and
there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not
interpretations belong to God? Tell me them, I pray you." So, correct
interpretation of dream belongs to God. God is the one that
interprets dreams.
Through the ministry of dreams, the Lord sometimes tells a
person what is about to happen. Sometimes, a man is about to fall
into an open pit but cannot see it, but the Lord will show it to him
and so prevent him from falling into the pit. Sometimes, a man is
about to perish but a simple revelation he gets from a dream will
save him from perishing. Acts 2: 17 says, "And it shall come to
pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your
young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream
Sometime ago, a very big man had a dream in which he found
himself in his own church and they were conducting a funeral service
and were saying, "We shall gather at the river, beautiful river. We
shall gather with other saints at the river." He sang joyfully with them
but at a time something said to him, "Excuse me, who died?" When
he heard that question, he did what was most important: He turned
to the back of the pamphlet and there he saw his own picture. When
he saw this picture, he started screaming: "Stop singing this song. I
am not dead. Stop it." But to his amazement they continued, saying,
"You already sang with us, it is finished." When he woke up, because
of spiritual ignorance he did not know what to do. Somebody with a
little bit of knowledge would have known that that could not have
been a congregation of Christians. What he saw as a church was
not a church but a gathering of witches. The fact that he asked them
to stop and they did not stop shows that they had already concluded
their agenda. The man did not know what to do because he was
going to a religious church every Sunday. Somebody with a little bit
of knowledge would have commanded that congregation to scatter.
He would have roasted that pamphlet with fire. He would have
declared, "I shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord."
And that would have taken care of that revelation. Before that week
ran out, his wife and five children had an accident in the family car
and all of them died. While they were busy preparing how to bury
these six persons, this man also had an accident and died. So, the
whole family was wiped out in one. week. Why? This man's inability
to interpret a simple spiritual message that God showed him.
That is why it is often said that every man's mountain is his
ignorance and that the enemy will play on you according to the level
of your ignorance. That is why the Bible says: "You shall know the
truth and the truth (that you know) will set you free." For the truth
you don't know, it is just too bad.
When I was in England studying for a doctorate degree, I was
saving money as I thought that after two years, I would visit home,
spend two weeks and go back. The course was for three years. As I
prayed one night and slept, I had a dream that I was at the Ikeja
airport and they announced that those travelling to so and so place
should go and board the plane. I went to the tarmac and saw the
plane taking off. I was there looking at it and it took off. I ran all over
the place asking, "How can I go, how can I go?" Nobody answered
me. Somebody said, "If you ask me that question again, I will give
you a dirty slap," and I woke up. The interpretation was very clear. It
simply meant that if I went home that year, I might have difficulty
coming back. So, although I had gathered the money, I did not go.
All my fellow students who went home that time eventually lost a
semester because after they came in, there was a coup and the
airport was closed up. That dream saved me a lot of stress.
Many years ago, we prayed with a sister, who lived in
America, married and with four children. One day in a dream, a
white woman walked into her home and said, "Woman, give me your
wedding gown." She went to her box and brought it out and the
white woman collected it. The white woman gave another command:
"Madam, give me your wedding ring." She removed it from her
finger, gave it to the woman and woke up. When she and her
husband were having their breakfast at the dinning table, she said:
"Darling, I had a funny dream" and told him the dream. The man
said, "Forget it, forget it." But within two weeks, a strange white
woman had taken away her husband and few weeks after, she was
deported to Nigeria. The white woman took over the home and took
over the care of her four children. It is dangerous to be ignorant of
what God is showing you. God is a good and kind God; He will
always want to give useful information.
This topic is very important now because the time is getting
more dangerous. It is not good for somebody to go out in the
morning, and something terrible happens and he says, "Ah I had
seen it in the dream." Many years ago, a commuter bus driver
knocked a fellow into the gutter at a bus stop. Fortunately, he did not
die. When they brought him out, he was not angry at all. He said, "I
saw it, I saw it. But something told me not to stay at this bus-stop."
The confusion that many people are experiencing now will be
over if they can check their dream life. The place where some
people are working now and are not happy, something in their dream
life would have told them that it is a wrong place.
Sometime ago, a sister had a dream, she did not understand.
While they were still courting, she found herself and her husband-to-
be at the altar and a priest wearing cassock was there joining them
together. What was surprising to her was that in the dream, the
husband-to-be, that was taller than her, was a pigmy. She had to be
bending down to hold his hand. He was so short that he was below
her knee. She did not understand. However. two weeks after the
wedding, she understood because of the one blow the man gave to
her right eye. She now realized that what God was trying to say
was. "My daughter, you are marrying a spiritual baby, so whatever
he does to you is your own lookout." The position of the pastor is
very clear. If you bring a cockroach or serpent to the altar, he would
only ask if it is your husband. and if you say yes, he would ask the
man if you were his wife. If he also says yes, the pastor would
pronounce you husband and wife. Even if it was not a pastor that
made the pronouncement, but a herbalist or an imam, That was it. It
is binding.
There are factors that can influence your dream either
positively or negatively.
There are seven factors that can influence your dreams
1. Prayer and fasting: Anyone who lives a regular life of
prayer and fasting will not be a candidate of nightmares.
2. Purity: When your life is pure, there are some things the
enemy cannot bring to your life.
3. Knowledge of the word of God: When you read your
Bible and meditate upon it, it has a positive effect on your dream life.
There are some videos that the enemy will not slot into your spiritual
machine if you have the knowledge of the word.
4. Regular anointing of yourself: Some clever sisters put
anointing oil in their cream, pomade, or soap, so that there is no way
it won't touch them on a daily basis. Anointing yourself regularly has
a positive effect on your dream life.
5. Baptism of the Holy Ghost: Being filled with the Holy
Ghost has a positive effect on your dream life.
6. Regular self-deliverance: When you carry out regular
self-deliverance, it has positive effect on your dream life.
7. Good company: When you move with good company, it
has positive effect on your dream life.
When you consistently do these seven things, they will impact
on your dream life positively.
What are the factors that influence your dream life negatively?
There are nine of them:
1. The flesh: When the flesh is in control of your life, your
dream life will be terrible. Drinking, smoking, committing fornication,
going to all kinds of places, improper dressing, etc. will influence
your dream life negatively.
2. Careless eating and drinking: What you eat and drink will
negatively affect your dream life. For example, alligator pepper or
bitter kola will negatively affect your dream life. When you eat food
from anywhere, it will negatively affect your dream life.
3. Environmental factors: If somebody has just committed
fornication in a room where you are going to sleep or you are living
in a house where the foundation is demonic, this will affect your
dream life. Or if you are in a place where pregnancies are being
aborted, of course, that will negatively affect your dream life.
4. Bad company: If you live with the foolish you become
foolish. There is no way somebody who wants to have an "A" in
mathematics can make it if he is always moving with his friends who
always get zero. The Bible says that if you move with the wise, you
will be wise; if you move with the foolish, you will be foolish. If your
friend is a fool, then you will soon become one. Bad company will
have negative impact on your dream life.
5. Cultural orientation: There are many people, who clamour
for culture. But our forefathers practised culture and still became
slaves. Some people are still practising it. They set Christianity one
side and demonic culture one side. Don't get me wrong: many of our
cultures are very good and scriptural, For example respect for
elders. But with others such as "Every woman stay in your house,
don't come out today because one masquerade is coming," is
another thing entirely.
6. Sickness, illness and poor feeding: Any dream you have
when you have malaria, will not make sense. If you are not feeding
well, it will also negatively affect your dream life.
7. Demonic oppression: When demons are oppressing a
person, it will manifest in his dream life.
8. Prayerlessness: A person could stay at a vigil and pray
from 10 pm to 5 am but in the record of heaven, what is written
down for him is two minutes, because those two minutes were the
only time he concentrated and prayed. Although he prayed for seven
hours, they say it is two minutes.
9. Lack of scriptural knowledge: This will impact on your
dream life negatively.
There are some powers that reduce your ability to recall your
dreams. We call them dream erasers. They erase your dream so
that you won't take any action when you wake up.
What are these dream erasers? There are 13 of them:
1. Incisions: The number one dream eraser in this
environment is incision in any part of the body, particularly the head.
2. Enchantment or bewitchment to blindfold: That is, a
person is charmed not to see and he won't see.
3. Demonic dwelling place: Of course, if you are living in a
demonic house, you won't remember your dreams.
4. Polluted foods: You have to be very careful where you eat
Before you go somewhere to eat, check the signboard. Look at the
name of the place. When somebody says, "Hot Head Restaurant" or
"Mermaid Cafeteria," and you go inside there and eat, well, you
asked for it. You have been told what they do there. You have to be
very careful. A certain brother saw somebody roasting only three
plantains on the fire, and the peel of the plantains were not there,
nor were there any other plantains on the ground. Yet the brother
bought all three plantains and began to eat almost immediately. He
crossed to the other side of the street, but as he looked back, both
the woman and the fireplace she was using had disappeared. He
stuck his fingers into his throat, trying to vomit the plantain.
5. Superstition: It is a dream eraser.
6. Worry and anxiety: Worry and anxiety will rub off every
useful information that God is giving to you.
7. Demonic attack: Demonic attack on your memory will
erase your dreams.
8. Pity party: Celebrating a pity party, sympathizing with
yourself will erase your dreams.
9. Household stronghold: Once a spirit is assigned against
you for a destructive purpose, it will be rubbing off any dream that
will give you information.
10. Sudden waking of a person or disturbance: These can
erase his dream.
11. Incomplete deliverance.
12. Aggressive spirit husband or spirit wife: They operate
jealously and will not allow the victim to recall any dream.
13. Covenant of backwardness: Once a person has entered
into a covenant of backwardness, he will not remember all the
dreams that will make him progress. The enemy will completely
erase them.
Reason number one is that God can bring assurance,
encouragement, comfort and direction to you in your dream. God
can bring instruction, guidance, correction and exhortation to you in
your dream.
The second reason is that dreams can bring us a revelation of
the plans and purposes of God for our lives, because He has
declared that He will speak to us through dreams and visions.
Meaning that God uses dreams as vehicles of divine
Reason number three is that God does significant things with
dreams. For example, the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 15 was
given to Abraham in the dream. The supernatural gift of Solomon
was given to him in the dream.
Thank You for this Posting Brother.Matt
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