Grand Rising Onop and Greetings Royal👑 Israel.💎. This Posting is about My brother who transitioned from death( earth) to Life( Eternity) On September 9 of 2012 I believe.
My Brother took his daughter to a Yearly oyster festival in town. While they were there, My brother called me and said that he was on his way to the hospital for a mild asthma attack and there was no need to come to the hospital because he expected to be back home that same day. I ignored his suggestion and told him I’m coming to see him. He laughed and said ok.So I began to call all the family members together and we arrived at the hospital, Checked in and found his hospital room. We all Hung out and enjoyed each other’s company.Laughing, joking and my son was recording my brother and mom argue in the room. My brother ordered food from the and kitchen and we ate it and he fussed at us because of it. So we had to order food from outside the hospital and go pick it up for him. We came back with it and he ate it fully satisfied.Then visiting hours were over and we left. The Next day my son and niece went back to hospital to hang out again. This time the visit was lengthy I Called His Room to say hello and Check on him.The Next Day,unexpected news came from my mom When I picked up the phone at 6:00 pm in the morning I picked up the phone and I heard screaming on the other end. My mom finally caught her breath and said she received a call from the doctor saying that my brother’s heart stopped beating. I immediately began screaming and ran to my son’s room to tell him. He opened the door half sleepy but quickly awakened fully to the news with a look of disbelief at the sound of the news.We got dressed and headed to my mom’s house after I called my sister, and his Wife. We all got to the hospital and we’re exhorted to his room. When we arrived, I saw his body laying on the bed and his asthma pump was under his hospital bed. We gathered around him crying, I answered phone calls on his cell phone coming in, and his hospital room filled up quickly. After a while the Workers came to his room and took the body downstairs to the Morgue where we all met.
After all this, Funneral Services where made and the burial took place.
A few days after that I began having thoughts of My Brother Coming to my Mind repeatedly. It Happened often when I picked up my phone. I thought to myself what is going on here? . A few days after this , I dreamt of my brother calling me and being on the other end of the telephone when I picked up. I said hello and he said yo. Know I handed the phone to my mom mistakenly and this happened again unfortunately. (Today when I think about this, I pray the father allow him to call again the third time and allow me to be ready to speak with him.I know there’s plenty on my brother’s heart that he wants to pour out to me. We were close to each other. We we’re probably best friends before we came to 🌍 earth. )
We then ended up at my Cousin’s house for thanksgiving when we celebrated it and I was telling the story to my family and broke down crying. My Cousin’s wife consoled me telling me that all would be well and thenHer daughter then proceeded to tell me of a dream that she had of my brother smiling , all dressed in Dark Blue and telling the family that where he is is so much better than where he was (earth). He was telling everyone that he was ok and kept repeating it, reassuring us. A Messenger Asked my mom if she trusted her son being in The Father 🙌 Hands and she broke down crying..So My brother was sending Messages from the Beyond to Comfort Us , Letting Us Know That it is well. Can’t Wait to See My Brother Again. He Was like My Guardian Angel,and Best Friend . 💕