Has anyone ever heard of or tried FireChat? It supposedly sends text messages via phone WITHOUT internet, cell service or data. I'm still researching it and would love to try it out.
It may be useful when that time comes that the cell service is ended and internet is gone.
Or in emergencies to keep in touch with your TRUE HEBREW FAMILY!
Any thoughts on this?
Thank you sister Renanah never heard of it https://firechat.firebaseapp.com/
Shalom Sister Renanah. Yes I've done some research on it and according to the user reviews it does not work properly. Users have had a hard time registering and keep getting error messages. It's a great idea and hopefully they will fix the bugs so that it's usable in the future. Like you said it a great method for us to stay connected when the internet and cell service providers finally go down. I'll keep checking back on it and advise. Shalom!
Have not heard of that, sounds good though.