Bernal Castillo records as follows:
"They said that their ancestors had told them, that in times past there had lived among them men and women of giant size with huge bones, and because they were very bad people of evil manners that they had fought with them and killed them, and those of them who remained died off. So that we could see how huge and tall these people had been they brought us a leg bone of one of them which was very thick and the height of a man of ordinary stature, and that was the bone from the hip to the knee. I measured myself against it and it was as tall as I am although I am of fair size They brought other pieces of bone like the first but they were already eaten away and destroyed by the soil. We were all amazed at seeing those bones and felt sure that there must have been giants in this country, and Our Captain Cortez said to us that it would be well to send that great bone to Castele so that His Majesty might see it, so we sent it with the first of our agents who went there." (The History of the Conquest of New Spain p. 286) (Internet Archive)
During the 1680’s, Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, got access to Aztec and Toltec documents and wrote histories of Mexico giving us some interesting information about the original settlers of Mexico.
Gongorra said that he"arrived at the curiously definite results that the original settlers, [the Jaredites who], descended from Naphtuhim, son of Mizraim and grandson of Noah, who left Egypt for Mexico shortly after the confusion of the tongues."
“Naphtuhim” is the plural form of "Nephet" which means honeycomb or honeycomb people or beekeepers, or people of desert.
Note: "and they did also carry with them desert, which, by interpretation, is honeybee; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees."(Ether 2:3)
The Catholic friar, Diego Durán, recorded as follows;
"That I may leave nothing aged [Aztec], man from Cholula, about one hundred years old, began to describe their origins to me. This man... was quite learned in their ancient traditions. When I begged him to enlighten me about some details I wished to put into this history he asked me what I wanted him to tell. I realized I had found an old and learned person, so I answered, all that he knew about the history of his Indian nation... He responded: "Take pen and paper, because you will not be able to remember all that I shall tell you." And [he] began of monstrous stature appeared and took possession of this country. These giants...decided to build a tower so high that its summit would reach unto heaven. And gathering materials for this building, the giants found clay for bricks and an excellent mortar with which they began to build the tower very swiftly. When they had raised it as high as they could--and it seemed to reach to heaven--the Lord of the Heights became angry and said to the inhabitants of the heavens...let us confound them...Then...those who dwell in the heavens came...and tore down the tower that had been constructed. And the giants, bewildered and filled with terror, separated and fled in all directions. ...It cannot be denied, nor do I deny, that there have been giants in this country."

We watched this week A race of giants, they show the bones that are founded in north and South America