Pence with a fly on his head, right! Lucifer has been released. Just reading in TSP 32:35For even with the great advancements of technology and science, of which advancements ye shall know, even those of you who have received this record, the children of men do not live in peace and harmony one with another, but have separated themselves into families, and communities, and nation, which are even more isolated and more selfish than any other time upon the earth.
Pence with a fly on his head, right! Lucifer has been released. Just reading in TSP 32:35 For even with the great advancements of technology and science, of which advancements ye shall know, even those of you who have received this record, the children of men do not live in peace and harmony one with another, but have separated themselves into families, and communities, and nation, which are even more isolated and more selfish than any other time upon the earth.
Shalom and Todah 🕎💙