An ancient philosopher once remarked that, "When God conceived the world, he geometrized."
We will now draw these symbols, that you may better understand them: The "Star of David "explained
You will notice that there are two triangles, one with the point downward, and the other with the point upward. These are combined in the symbol of the interlaced triangles, or the six - pointed star. The triangles when used separately gives each triangle a distinct and separate meaning. The one with the point upward, is called the symbol of manifestation on the material plane, and symbolizes mankind focusing their thoughts on God; the triangle with the point downward represents manifestation on the spiritual, or Divine plane, and symbolizes God's consciousness focalized on mankind. In the six-pointed star formed by the interlaced triangles we symbolize the blending, or uniting, of the physical and the spiritual.
The square represents building uprightly on a strong secure foundation. The circle, which is endless, is the universal symbol of eternal life. The square and the interlaced triangles are the only two equiangular and equilateral figures, the sum of whose exterior angles equals 360 degrees, or perfection, as symbolized by the circle. From these symbols, we learn that by building uprightly on a strong secure foundation, we unite the physical and the spiritual, and with them inseparably connected' as symbolized by the interlaced triangles, we have eternal life.
These symbols were often abbreviated: By taking an angle from the square we have an L, or the sign of the square; an angle from the interlaced triangles gives us a V, or the sign of the compass; and the merging of the physical and spiritual is symbolized by the X, which is often written —, or the line. These three symbols when united, and in their esoteric sense, mean LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, the eternal principles by which "all things HAVE BEEN, ARE, or WILL BE CREATED."
If we write them out we have the Latin word "LVX" which means light. If they are arranged in the form of the spiritual triangle with the point downward, we have the symbol of spiritual light, which is pure intelligence. If an individual is worthy of wearing this symbol on his breastplate, and continues faithfully in the service of the Master, he will receive the SPIRITUAL LIGHT, which will enable him or her to unite the physical and spiritual, and through the process of Divine Alchemy, change the mortal corruptible body into a Celestial Eternal Body and thereby have eternal life.
Whenever an individual consecrates his life to the service of God and to his fellowmen, he brings the points of the triangles together thus; which is preparatory to uniting them in the interlaced triangles, as they continue onward through a life of faithful service.