(1 Nephi 22:3)
Before share this meditation, I'd like to give praises, thanks, honor, and glory to the eternal father, the creator, to his son Yashaya/Hawashua/HaWaH, as well as to the Earthly Mother who is Wisdom. If you see any folly, Ill communication, or lack of understanding know that it is me and not the witnesses in heaven.
With that said I am going to share a few scriptures that the title of this post will be based from.
Alma 56:47,48
Alma 57:21
The importance of the parent in the Hebrew family structure is pointed out by many of our elders. To give honor where it is due, Elder Tony (in his Preisthood of Mahan series), pointed out just how important it is for a parent to raise and teach their own children.
In his first video he pulled the scripture of Proverbs 22:6
6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Elder Tony also pointed out that it is important in his first video for the parent to remain obedient to the creator and faithful in the Son.
The main reason for this would be so that, HaWaH forbid, if the child falls away and is abused of the Devil; that they may return and recieve the love of the creator by the faithfulness of their parents.
From here we will bridge in the importance of the woman in this structure. Return back to the scriptures from Alma 56 and 57. These scriptures show that a woman is expected to teach in some way, shape, or form and not just the men. These women had raised their children in such a way that when these young men went to war they astounded a prophet whom the Most High had set up. These are few of many scriptures that point out that a Hebrew Woman, in her capacity, has the ability to raise up a child so faithful that they can attain Jasher levels of faith and strength. I mean to say that she has the ability to raise Dragons and Spartans (4 Ezra/2 Esdras 15:30-33; Mosiah 20:11; Alma 43:44).
This is not all. Under the context of the family structure she can raise the toughest children. She can raise them so tough that it will astound their enemies, even unto death. Her ability to teach would instill into the child a spirit of reasoning, which would result in said toughness (2 Maccabees 7; 4 Maccabees 7:14; chapters 8-16).
Beyond the family structure, her ability to teach extends far beyond what we currently have knowledge of. I will bring into your rememberance a few scriptures concerning women teaching men the in the truth.
Acts 18:26
26And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
(Read 18:24-28 for more context)
The Gospel of Mary 10,1-10 (The Nag Hammadi Library)
Peter said to Mary, "Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than all other women. Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember, the things you know that we don't because we haven't heard them."
Mary responded, "I will teach you about what is hidden from you." And she began to speak these words to them.
Judges 4:4
4ยถAnd Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
(Read Judges 4:4-7 for more context)
Out of these three witnesses you'll find that the woman is quite able to teach. Our second witness shows that the Apostles themselves relying on Mary Magdalene to attain truth. Our third shows that a woman was used to Judge Israel, and with emphasis, as a prophetess. That means she has writings, which also means she likely baptised.
To bring this meditation to a close, The Most High has his conditions for the woman who teaches, as he does for the man whom teaches, even if they are not all the same for both.
I give honors to Elder Big Judah when he related a modern issue. He said something along the lines of, "We need to find ways for both our men and women to be able to bounce ideas off of eachother in a way that is healthy and respectful." Our fathers obviously knew this balance, and it helped keep the nation whole.
On a personal note, I think that this forum is one of many great ways for that to take place.
I'm sure there are more than a few ways besides this in how to deal with one another. This is definitely something to pray about as a nation to gain our Creator and Father's counsil regarding that problem.
With all of that said I give all praise, thanks, and worship to the Father who is the Creator, to his son HaWaH/Yahawashi/Yashaya/I Am, as well as giving honors and thanks to the Earthly Mother who is Wisdom. If you see any folly in this, Ill communication, or lack of understanding know that it is me and not the witnesses in heaven.
Shalawam and much siloam. Have a blessed shabbat family.
So uplifting @Hawaceph Ban Mannasseh ๐๐
I love the sentiment but what about us women with no husband or children? I think we should still teach and also be advisers to the leaders, but to a certain extent. Thoughts?
Thank you Brother for a Beautiful and Edifying Testimonials of the Spirit and Will of the Israelite Women to Inspire to Glorify the Will of our Father...