I see Buddha statues in the video, For sure they are Buddha statues, very interesting because
I found a book called 1421 The year China discovered America yesterday night. Now, I have to go back to see if there is any connection to this. The book was debunked and the discovery too. So there must be more TRUTH!
Thank you sister 😊 Of course all of it belongs to us 😂
Shalom Sister,
I see Buddha statues in the video, For sure they are Buddha statues, very interesting because
I found a book called 1421 The year China discovered America yesterday night. Now, I have to go back to see if there is any connection to this. The book was debunked and the discovery too. So there must be more TRUTH!
https://ebooksbag.com/pdf-epub-1421-the-year-china-discovered-the-world-download-56912068047/. I clicked on it and it worked twice.
and an article about China purchasing the place https://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/53230/china-buys-grand-canyon/
Here are two short article about the discovery
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/princeizon.pdf- PRINCE IZON