For many years my dad would share testimonies of when the Creator spoke to him. Every time I heard one of these testimonies, it would help to increase my faith. My mom's side of the family pushes the whole luke-warm Christian ideologies. The mindset was that God is more or less of a fairy-god-parent who answers your prayers only every so often or when you help yourself.
Hearing these testimonies from my dad put things in a different perspective. It subconsciously set it in my head that the Creator wants to actively be in every aspect of your life.
My dad would tell me about how it sounded like the Father, Christ, or the Ruach Ha'Qodesh would speak and it sounds like when you are legit talking to someone the same room. There was even a time when my dad fasted, so that the Creator would speak to my brother. It happened, and the voice woke my brother up at night and told my brother to turn his life around. He got baptized way back when.
It made me curious if the Father would speak to me like that. I spent many days and years from my youth asking for this. Four years ago, when I began fasting, demons began to speak in my ear telling me to stop. It would whisper, "Stop." I never really witnessed the spirit world in that manner before. It scared my soul to the core. I'd never heard a voice speak to me in that manner without a person near to me. I stopped my prayer the first few times because I was fearful. I called my dad, and he said to keep praying the next time that I heard the spirits whisper no in my ear. I did that the next time and the voice only returned when I hit its nerve. My faith began to increase because though I didn't hear a holy voice, I was seeing things from another world.
This took place when I was living in my grandmother's house. Her home looks like a holy, sweet, and a good Christian home; however, the demons that stay there are many. Just before I came into the truth many of these spirits manifested themselves to me at night. A man who stood off by a staircase and just stared at me. There are many portals there. Many strongholds.
As I prayed, I set my trust in the Most High that He would keep me and He did. He moved so much that at one point my old karate teacher developed a tumor in his brain. The tumor was so bad that he would not be able to use his motor functions to be able to even move. I was called to fast and the surgery on him went so well that he could walk, and he even taught a few more classes afterward. People tried to deny that it was God, even my mom who had fasted with me tried to give glory to man or some other deity.
The Most High has most usually spoken to me through emotions, thoughts, scripture, videos, or other people. The exceptions were when I was asleep and He granted visions. The number of visions increased as the Most High increased in my life.
This past Friday(2/14/2020) something profound happened. I had purchased a shofar a few months ago off of Amazon to blow on the preparation day, or whenever I was moved to. The only problem with the shofar was that it didn't work. I tried to blow into it, but it only gave off that sound of when you blow into some empty tube. With that said, I had gotten home from work before the sunset. My dad was off as well and he told me that we were going to break bread going into and out of the Shabbat. This was around 5 or so. We ate dinner until we were full and fell into doing our own pleasures. My dad was laying on one couch and played on his phone, while I laid on another scrolling through Instagram. The TV was on, and in honesty, it was not glorifying the Most High. There was no show on yesterday that glorified the Most High, but it glorified the spirits of lust, temptation, adultery, fornication, and all manner of sexual sin. We left the TV on a movie called The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler in it.
With that said, we did try to switch back and forth between that and one of the Hunger Games movies. The Creator would not have it that way though. He was merciful and called us to repent of this sin.
I was on my phone and laying on a couch when I heard what I thought was a phone vibrating on a glass table. The only issue with that is that all of the phones were being held, and certainly none of the extra ones were on our glass table. I looked over at my dad, who was staring at me with a similar look of confusion. "Did you hear that?" He asked. I let him know that I did. His face became quite solemn and he said, "I thought that you sneaked by me and blew the shofar on the table." My face was apparently rather serious as well because my dad says that I looked a little scared. I suggested that it was a sign that we should repent and go to break bread. My dad swiftly got the bread and wine while we repented of our transgression. We broke bread and discussed scripture, and we discussed the work of the Most High. It wasn't until 9 or so when we realized Ahyal went live.
During the duration of this past Shabbat, Ahaya has again confirmed that He is raising up a ministry out here in Centerville, Ohio. I was able to discuss with my dad the importance of head-knowledge, but also the need of the Holy Spirit and relying on her. If the Most High permit, I will share these things as well.
During my duration of heavy darkness when I was left to Azazel, he always said for me to study a bit more. He said that if I studied a bit more, then I would have friends and people like me. He never delivered on this promise and I found myself isolated and lonely. I was lonely with so much head knowledge. A principal that he tried to teach me was a skewed interpretation of 1 Timothy 4:15. If I could make it so that I was able to rely on my own understanding, then I could do the work of the Father. This was obviously a lie, for every man who makes flesh his arm is accursed. 2 Nephi 28:31; Jeremiah 17:5 This is especially true because when I tried to speak of the Most High to people, I always found that I was missing something. This thing that I was missing resulted in me forgetting everything I had come to know when I tried to speak to people.
The Creator set the record straight when I began to witness this ministry and Ahyal's videos. You can have the depths of knowledge and become witness to many secrets, truths, and information, but without the Holy Ghost, all is vanity. What does it profit a man if he knows the cause of sin, but cannot apply the principles to combat it? What does it profit any soldier to run into war, sword first, but without his armor? What is the benefit of a tree that cannot take root; will not this tree wither and die when the sun beats upon it in the summer? Will this tree not be thrown to and fro by the torrents of wind and water? Is this tree not easy to uproot? Without the Holy Spirit, your walk with God is in vain. Without Her, you have no ability to please the Father. Without Her, you will be dried up.
Toward the end of Elder Ahyal's live stream, my heart was moved to remember compassion. I began to remember that I was freely shown my gift and talent from the Most High Power. I am no great one because even the dust of the earth obeys the Father in going to and fro when He sends the winds. This understanding came as a free gift, when I least expected it, when I was afraid that I was going to repeat a cycle of sin. Perhaps if this happened for me, then I could extend this blessing to my dad.
He does the work that the Most High permits. He has tried to help me many times when I was in heavy darkness, but my sin kept me from listening to him. He does a lot for me. The Creator blessed him in doing his duty to set a good example of how I am to view the Father and how my relationship with the Father should be. I don't know everything he struggles with, but I do know a few things that the devil used against me. I know what the devil is trying to use against the nation now with the overflowing cup of knowledge and understanding. Knowledge is good, since we need to add knowledge to virtue(our morals) {we adapt our morals according to the knowledge we receive of good and evil in these precepts[2 Peter 1:5]}. If you simply give diligence to the Father and add virtue unto it you will be fine for a time. Your tribulation will eventually appear and ask you about the boundaries of your virtue.
Where are the borders of your morality, is all good equal? Is there a lesser good? Is it okay for one to eat eggs cooked in bacon grease because you are technically not eating bacon? Is it okay to flirt with my co-worker, because I'm not physically cheating on my spouse? Is it okay, is it okay, is it okay...
O my Creator and Father of Light, forgive me of my fowl thoughts and the lusts in my flesh. I am a man of vanity and born in iniquity. My righteousness comes from you, and you alone. I can only escape the corruption in the world through lust by your grace. My tongue is only holy because you sanctified it. My garments are only white because you dipped them in the blood of your holy sacrifice. I am only alive because you still have mercy on me. O Father of Light, have mercy on me. Have mercy on my people. Let them come to know and love you even as I do. I ask that you let them come to know you and love you according to the understanding of their souls, even as you did for me. When I sin, my spirit takes the reigns and I cannot stand. When my tongue slips, my heart sets my body in disarray.
Can I do this without you? Certainly not O my Father. How can I please the Creator of creation? Can I give you gold, when you can summon gold from the earth? Can I offer you jewels, when you are the one who brings them from afar? Can I feed you, when the earth relies on you to produce the fruit she bares? Can I give you drink, when you are the one who established the waters before the earth? Can I cloth you, when you created the beast of the earth and adorned them with beauty. What could I ever do to please you, O my Father. I am but a child, poor and without ability. I am but a child, with the gifts that you have given me. I cannot say that I am wise, because you sent mother Wisdom to me. I cannot say that I have strength because you fill my body with the refreshing and take it away. My life is not many years, but you have shown me much vanity.
Would my earthly father be there for me always? When I am weak and sorrowful, and tender, and filthy, and unworthy would he comfort me? When I transgress against him constantly, would he not forsake me? Would my mother of flesh constantly be there to help me? Can she minister unto the tender things of my heart and the brokenness thereof? Can she see the days of old, and the darkness of my soul? Can she fish me out of the deep? Can she save me from Sheol?
Have not both my parents left me? Firstly my dad, when you O my Father, removed him from me at a tender age? Secondly, my mother, when You removed even her from me so I could regain you? My closest elders and grandparents left me when I sought to heal. My family abandoned me to the pit and covered my wounds. What is my family of flesh that they could help me? You restored my dad when I sought you spiritually. Did not Cain kill Able and Esau hate Jacob? What is my family of flesh that they should help me? You have removed them far from me and gave me a better inheritance. The things of this world are vanity. My old friends seek for me and do not know that they wish to entrap me in the ways of vanity. Heavy darkness befalls my generation, and how can I but mourn. Will you have mercy, O my God, my Power, my Creator, my Savior, my Healer, Protector, Provider, Way Maker, Sustainer, my salvation? I pray for a famine of my generation. Let it not be a famine of food, because You are already bringing a heavy famine of food. Neither let it be a famine of thy word because You are already drying up the fountains from the wicked. Let it be a famine of mankind my Father. Remove my people from the grips of Satan.
Brake the yokes of brass and shatter the fetters of iron. Remove the chains of hell and tear asunder the fetters of iron and brass. You have given me exceedingly great and precious promises. Let not your word come back empty because your word is only removed because of transgression. I have heard my Earthly Mother promise me that I would receive my inheritance. Give me the people I remember, the ones I know and don't know. I don't want to manipulate them into believing in you, neither do I wish to manipulate anyone at all. Help me accept them for who they are, even as you accepted me for who I was. You called me, cleaned me, sanctified and purified me, you chastened me, and brought me to you.
Please, Father of Light, save my city, for there are those who have been kind to me. They have treated me with kindness and had mercy on me when I would have no mercy. When I would accuse myself and tear my soul, you sent them to heal my hurt and confound my ways. Will you not bless them with salvation, and return good upon them as they have done for me. Grant me that I may speak the good tidings of your gospel and share the secret mysteries of your word. Let the wicked be removed far from us. Preserve us. I cannot help but love them as my own soul. They treated my heart kindly when I treated her with disdain and affliction. She loves them more than me. I will turn to you early so I can see them delivered.
Grant unto my people the plain understandings of their gifts, like you have done for me. I did not seek you, but you took me out of the world. I did not know you, but you introduced yourself to me. You loved me beyond my understanding and showed compassion upon me. You have said that by the gifts you have given that we could attain a higher kingdom. Speak plainly to them, as you have to me. Give me to whomever you will and draw me wherever. Give me words of comfort and compassion. I ask boldly, knowing that all I am but a child in your sight. Guide me to my elders so that I may share with them what you have given. Guide me back to you so that I may give you your honor. Guide me to my peers so that I may share your word as you have given it to me. It was all by grace and your hand. I stumbled upon you, but in reality, you called me home. I thought it was by chance or by coincidence that these things happened. It all fell into place at the right moment, at the right time, in the right circumstance by your right hand. By your Son and the Holy Ghost were all things made, and there is nothing made without them. My life is a testimony. My beating heart testifies of your magnificence, and my lungs rise and fall in your mercy.
I am not promised today, though I have seen the sunrise. Perhaps you will call me home before my job needs me. Maybe I would leave this earth before I could share this post with the family. You are my rock and salvation, and the root of my life. You are my all and my wonders. Help me to forgive others as you forgive me. Out of all that I ask, let your will be done. I am sorry if I had asked anything amiss. Grant me the daily bread this day, and nourish my being. Leave me not to Satan, and please deliver me from my lusts. Grant me a means of escape. May you receive the glory in all things. I wish not for power so that I may receive the honor, since I cannot handle the praise of men. I only wish to maintain the freedom of my people, so that their freedom may be maintained. I only wish for you to keep the door of repentance open for even a little while longer. My purpose is to tear down powers and principalities, even spiritual darkness in high places by the gifts you've given me. Out of all that shall transpire Father, receive the glory. Let your name be hallowed upon this earth, as it is in the heavens. To you belongs the glory the power, and the kingdom, forever.
So has it been, so is it, and so shall it be. HaWaH.

All Praise to The Most High for this Powerful testimony 🙏 I pray He continues to Lead Teach & Guide you... SHALAWAM FAMILY 💜💜💜💜
All Praise to The Most High for this Powerful testimony 🙏 I pray He continues to Lead Teach & Guide you... SHALAWAM FAMILY 💜💜💜💜
You have blessed us so much with all of post --I thank you Brother Hawaceph💙
Thankyou brother , I enjoyed your testimony much peace to you beloved . Shalom
Wow. That was really beautiful, refreshing, you have a way with words. 🌌🌌🌌🌌 keep shining there's work to do🌌🌌