The Book of Mormon describes three different migrations to Central America that correspond remarkably with three civilizations in Central America documented by Archaeologists:
Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl (Isht-lil-sho-chit-il) a Mayan historian with Spanish and Mayan parents wrote in 1600 AD: … the sun and the moon eclipsed and the earth quaked and rocks were broken into pieces and many other signs that had been given came to pass, although man was not destroyed. This was in the year Ce Calli, which, adjusted to our calendar, happened at the same time that Christ, our Lord, was crucified. And they say that this destruction occurred in the first few days of the year. (Ixtlilxochitl: 16) The Book of Mormon covers the history of the Nephites and Lamanites which corresponds to Mayan history from 600 BC to 400 AD, and tells of the final destruction of the Nehites by the Lamanites, (descendants of Lehi) in 400 AD. It tells of the visit of Jesus Christ to Central America, which is also told in traditional histories of the Mayans under the name of Quetzalcoatl. (See TNAR, Issue IV, Feathered Serpant). It also tells that several hundred years after the visit of Christ to America, the people became wicked and turned away from his teachings, resulting in great wars and much destruction. By 400 AD, the Lamanites had destroyed the Nephites, and the teachings of Christ were no longer followed.