Please lift up this little boy
His name is Kolsen. There is an occult aspect of this. If possible I would like to explain. There has been 4 reports by 2 police officers, a pediatrician and a therapist filed. Because he was only 3 years old Child protection agency refuses to help. Kolsen told Child protection worker that his dad hits him in the head with a hammer. He comes back with knots all over his head. We have been battling this since last November. He told us that his dad put a blue nail into his anus. We took him to urgent care. The doctor confirmed that there was redness consistent with what the baby told us but he was too afraid to tell the doctor who hurt him. He puts dresses on him and make him walk like a lady and tells him that he is "booty " He is being tormented and traumatized. Every time someone tries to help us, something happens to scare them away. Judge found an open warrant on him for assault that was 23 years old but still refuse to suspend visitation. He filed a false report against the baby's pediatrician. She was his pediatrician since birth. As a result of his false complaint against pediatrician, she dropped Kolsen as her patient. He is beating him and telling him to say that we are the ones whose hurting him. There is too much happening to explain it all in an email. I have a ministry in Boston. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further. Prayer is ultra important. He is teaching him to HATE the Creator!!!
I'm praying now.
Just prayed now and will pray for little Kolsen everyday 🔥
Oh no, I hate this with a passion. I set my prayers and will to that of my ONOP family In asking, no begging for help for this child and all others facing this type of abuse.