This site has a page including a map of Church of Christ ONOP baptism locations across the world:
Check the map for locations nearest you. If your location does not show a baptism flag, that means no one is in your immediate area. Your nearest baptizer may be in another location. So check the map closely and plan accordingly. The baptizer’s email is listed in their name.

Then, when you’ve chosen a location, scroll down to “Upcoming Events” and find your chosen location. Click on “RSVP” button to request baptism. This will go directly to the baptizer in that area. They will contact you to discuss your dates and times, and any testimonies you share.

Looking forward to baptizing you all over the world! Alleluia!
Shalom Elder Ahyal. I am kindly requesting baptism for myself and members of my family in Trinidad and Tobago. I am Known as Kadeem Burris on the chat but I am actually his grandmother. I now go by the title,"The Honoring". I look forward to a speedy response. Thawada. Much love much respect to you. APTTMH 👑 forever Ahman