Part I of this book gives an abridgment of the record of the prophet Lehi, which was the first book engraved upon the gold plates of the Book of Mormon. The original Book of Lehi, which was translated by Joseph Smith in 1828, was stolen and became lost from the Book of Mormon. Since that time they have simply been referred to as the lost 116 manuscript pages. This plain abridgment of the record of Lehi answers several questions about the origin of the Book of Mormon. For instance, it explains the connection with Egypt, revealing that Lehi was a Jew, or rather an Israelite, from the land of Egypt. It reveals that Laban's plates of brass were actually Lehi's plates of brass that were made by his people in the land of Egypt. As well, it reveals that the land of their inheritance is simply their house and farm, which was near Hebron in the land of Judea