First dream I was in place, there was destruction, and it got more darker,scarier, and demonic, I experienced even more demonic attack the more I stay, so I woke up quick, between one of the dream, I heard a voice calling my middle name, and I began to pray, I told him to talk to me and he gave me a dream. Dream of melinimun kingdom, there was lion, a black lion, gorilla with a kid gorilla and a woman lion. Other animals there too, and other people too, we were at a place that look familiar, it made me think of black Panter wakanda forever, it was beautiful. Me and the animals got along, there was no violence but peace.
I had another dream, so before I sleep I was watching vlog of Tokyo Japan ๐ , so I went to sleep, and this is dream 3๐ . Me and my dad going through security in the ๐ซ airport, they took our phone, so we bought new phones, a flip phone, and keyboard phone, I took the keyboard phone. We were at the waiting area, before the airplane departure. The end. I had dream when I was in japan I assume, and I was in a forest with gorillas, playing having fun. I ask myself, it has to be a sign a black lion, I just know.