All Praises and glory to Most High God The Creator ๐๐๐
On the 5-2-2021 I had a sequence of dreams-vision sets of three the first and second i cant remember it all but the last I remember like GOD wanted me to remember. it played out twice before I saw the whole vision the first, second I was getting dragged around in the sky like a rag doll by my leg the first one I couldn't see but I knew something was holding my leg it was burning like I was on fire, The second I saw I was myself getting flung around upside down by my leg like I was a piece of meat I was powerless I'm 6foot 280kgs AND I WAS POWERLESS. The third part I saw that it was satan that had me by my leg he was screaming at me yelling and saying that he was god yelling it at me many times fling me around very violently felt like my body was getting burnt an ripped apart like I was nothing I scream back at him Most High is God, then I woke up sweating and my leg still felt like it was on fire this all happen while I was in hospital for cellulite my leg. I've come to realize that when you come to the truth and start to knowing God, you are under HIS protection He blesses you look out for you. But if you go back to your old way drinking partying playing up he let you do that but he will not be with you, you're out in the world without protection. So demons see this and if your not spiritually awake you won't see what's really going on ,unfortunately the world we live satan roam to and fro seeing who he can devour. It doesn't matter if you believe or not satan is real and he want to steal, kill and destroy You Most High GOD creations. Be safe and stay under the true Most High God protection, I pray my testimony blesses someone. In Jesus name so be it. Much love much respect ๐๐๐

All praises to The Most High!