First if i want to give thanks to our father "AHAYAH" for allowing me to share this with this "COC". ive been battling to get to know the most high since i was a younger child, been threw few churches. None of them fed me spiritually. so i tried fitting in the with this wicked world and almost dies few times from because of my unclean doings. I been spiritually attacked plenty, but struggled with one of the biggest attacks i had. Hearing voices and seeing things that scared me to my core, I took myself to get admitted was there for couple weeks it was that severe. Happened in year 2017 in end of oct, ill never forget it. The attack started when i went to prison for some time. Remind you i was struggling being homeless, the lost of my 4 children always stayed with me ,most of me died. They removed my children (The beast of a system "DCYF") because i was called on with all false accusations over envy and jealousy they figured to attack innocent children. Did time in jail for assault on that person that did all this. Which did not help my case. I fought really hard for my children. went from visits to just talks on phone before they decided to cut me from their lives completely. That is when my life went all the way down. Stop working as A CNA, slowly stopped paying my bills. I was never the same person ,when drugs got involved that time it numb my awful pain. all this was back 2012-2013. So back in prison everyone had their eyes on me, i mean soon i walked in it was silent hard core stares, i did not understand it, everyone gave me trouble i fought they threw me in SEG. I was isolated. That is when the attack started. The voices came i would start shouting cursing other inmates out thinking they were screaming at me, they were not. Id say things to CO thinking it was them talking about me saying these awful things. They told me i was crazy ,so they told everyone others officers i was nuts so they never took me seriously. I suffered to get my needs meet. Meanwhile these voices was saying all these awful things about me i was super upset i blacked out thats when the visions and things i was seeing. it didnt make any since, i did not know what was happening to me, i thought they put a chip in me to monitor me on my every move everything i say whatever i was thinking they knew my heart rate , i could not sleep if i tried i was up for days suffering staring into space, feeling my body switch. The day they finally let me out, i went to admit myself to hospital, were i was admitted for two weeks like i was saying. But right before that my senses were gone my 5 senses, something was going on in my body weird movements head to toe, as these things are going on im hearing these voices telling me what they doing to my body, these voices would tell me to do things in order for people to think im crazy. example, they told me to go next door from my mothers because id see my husband which he was in prison too did time, have not seen him almost two years, they told me he was in that house waiting, but the way it happened was it would be a normal guy or female voice saying this and that. I mean that type of things even more worse things until i got use of the lies. When i would figured their game , they would get super upset start making loud noises banging, growling like anger, shouting and all these unclean spirits were just nasty they would say nasty things make me hear disturbing things, like of them torturing other beings in diff ways, it was awful. long story short, when father woke me up i was super amazed to know why i went threw that awful state of being, and know knew why i was stared at in prison, because of all them unclean spirits their knew i was from the light all these spirits knew were i came from! I automatically shut down and teared up, all my answers i had back then came to light was answered. I felt so blessed and honored. Knowing why this and why that, alot to hold in. This all was revealed to me soon i was called from father, letting me know that it was my time to shine, i woke up to a battle for sure. When i called brother Mathew, from New York, Bronx . My life changed for me and my beloved husband that passed. it changed quicker than i could ever imagine. WE stopped smoking and gave up the medication we was on called "Methadone" to help keep us off other drugs, it did but only thing is, when we got into it we did not realize that is was just like any other drug that was hard to get off of, we tried it was very hard. Its actually the hardest drug to get off of. until the father came to me, it was not possible. I even tried getting help from the elders of ONOP, they respond with them saying they will keep us in prayer to get off of that drug.
That was it. As CHIEF AHYAL had said, he cant do much, and also waited for his call back because i was hoping to get a prayer threw the phone. But everything happens for reason, because i prayed and prayed about it with much much faith. Then before i knew it, we was managing to do what was best for us with our faith in it, got off slowly but surely, we dropped few mg each week, as i prayed for father to help us with no withdrawals put our faith in it, we got none. Now since my husband passed in December, i went down tremendously almost done. Still no withdrawals , it was like , since i obeyed him by getting that night he told me to , he woke me up with this heavy heavy feeling over me, like this light voice in back telling me its time to get off my child right now, like make some moves lol. Man i never got up like that, pure pressure in my heart heavy overwhelming feeling, my heart was even pounding i never felt that, so i got on my knees and prayed let father know i hear you," yes i will!" , I said. Because i obeyed im almost done with no signs of withdrawing at all, i get emotion at times for what he did for us , so much. the old me died, and im loving who i am now. Family theres so much more, this was the biggest testimony. Also what hit me in CHIEF AHAYAL lesson couple days ago, he said "i apologize for the ones i never got back to on emails and calls
but there was a reason, MOST HIGH told me it was test!" , and you all passed." I was so pleased to hear that, because it made perfect since for me to be tested, father wanting to see were my faith and trusts sits and how was i going to handle my situation, and i did because of my strong faith and believe i can do this and obeyed. I know the most high will reunite with my children if its his will, so i can baptize them get them in the truth, before they left me i always let them know about god being real how much he loves us, and always had them pray, even me not knowing who he truly was , he was always in my heart. Always wondered why i never fit in with anyone, so i did things to fit in, know i can be me not give two sense about it, to old for all that, and this not the time. All praises All praises!. And that is just couple of my test i turned into a testimony family. Much love and respect to you all ZION. In loving memory of my husband and best friend, RYAN MULLIGAN 1983'-2021๐ THANK YOU ONOP FOR CHANGING MY LIFE BRING ME BACK TO WHOM I REALLY AM

Amazing testimony! This gives me hope for my brother!
thanks Father for bringing u up outta this all praises! may He keep blessing u!
Love you big sis you are always in my heart
All Praises to Abba AHAYAH our Mighty Creator and the Author of the Faith๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐ฌ๐๐ช๐๐