Brother Ahyal is right I had some stuff happened to me. I was being tormented by demons in my dreams.
One of the dreams I had it was so gruesome I don't want to say much about it. All I know is when I woke up and sat up in bed a lot of water poured out of my mouth. Then the second dream I had I was trapped in this house with nothing but demons around me and one of them kissed me in my mouth I woke up ran to the bathroom and vomit. Third dream I had someone was knocking at the door and I got up saw myself still sleeping unaware who it was I open the door and a military man blew me off of my feet and I had a big hole in my chest. 4th dream I had I was driving and it was thunder and lightening 4 bears was across the highway they had leaves all over them but they were still then as soon as I put the car in reverse they all turned around and come charging after me when I woke up out of that dream I said to myself that was shear terror. 5th dream I was being ripped apart by demons. I had many more dreams in which I will share later. Then 2 of my money orders for rent was stolen out of the apt office. I just notice things were happening to me one right after another. I knew it was wrong when I had left in the first place so I came back to the ministry and I notice I'm able to sleep peacefully. I haven't had any nightmares since I came back all praises to The Most High.
Thank you sister. So glad your are back ๐๐๐